Why smart kitchen appliances?
It’s easy to think that kitchens are fully evolved, but with the onset of the Internet of Things, our world is becoming increasingly smarter by the minute. Whether it is checking how long is left on the dishwasher, or asking your oven to slow-cook a roast, Siemens Smart Home Appliances with Home Connect let your world grow – from the everyday to the not so everyday.

coffeePlaylist: Your guests favourite coffees, brewed one after the other
Surprise and spoil your guests. With the Home Connect app, you can easily take multiple orders of different coffee variations and remotely transfer the playlist to your appliance. The coffee centre then prepares the individual coffees from the playlist, one after another.

coffeeWorld: Re-discover intense coffee flavours from around the globe
coffeeWorld offers you a great variety of international coffee styles exclusive to the Home Connect app. Simply find your favourite and remotely send the choice to your Siemens smart coffee machine - perfect aromas in seconds.

Remote control: Not a Barista? not a problem
Ristretto, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato everyone has their preference. However, with Home Connect, you can satisfy them all - without needing extensive coffee knowledge. Use the intuitive app to choose or create your desired drink, then transfer it straight to your Siemens smart coffee centre.